Monday, January 03, 2005


Will the government ever do anything about treason? Well, Code Pink is an anti-american organization that is giving aid to the Terrorist in Fallujah! Not only are they doing this but they are open about it and they brag about it. This is from Free Republic:

""I don't know of any other case in history in which the parents of fallen soldiers collected medicine ... for the families of the 'other side'," said Medea Benjamin"

This is the leader of this organization. What an idiot. I try to stray away from calling people idiots on my blog, but he really is! Is he aware that we are in a war? Someone please inform him of this.

We need to do something about groups like this

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way


At 6:12 AM, January 04, 2005, Blogger YoungRightWinger said...


Good Point

At 11:58 AM, January 04, 2005, Blogger Papa Ray said...


I am against treason of course, but would you please direct me to where they are giving aid to terrorists or bad guys or "the other side"? From the link you gave, I find no evidence of that. There are lots of people and organizations giving money to rebuild,treat wounded,the sick and homeless including the US government.

Please show me where I went wrong in this conclusion.

This is my post

Papa Ray
West Texas

At 6:27 PM, January 04, 2005, Blogger YoungRightWinger said...

Well, you did make me re-think my position on this topic, and you did have some very valid points. You are correct when you say that the article never says that they give money to terrorist, but it did say that they were helping the "other side." Upon reviewing this article a few more times I realized that when Medea says the other side, he means the Iraqi people. I first assumed that he was implying terrorists (I think that it is good that people help out the Iraqis, so don't get me wrong there).

But still, I don't think that he should be calling the Iraqi people the "other side" because the reason we are still there is for them. This is kind of what happened here during Vietnam, people are slandering our side; this time it isn't quite on the same scale but anything that could hurt the military or the military's progression in a time of war should answer for something. I also believe that people have the right to question this our policies, but NOT IN A WAY THAT MAY HURT THE MILITARY.

Thank you for you insightful comments, and thanks for pointing out my flaws so I don't look like an idiot.

At 9:17 PM, January 04, 2005, Blogger Jeff H said...

Here are the only acceptable things to do for people such as the Code Pinkos:

1. Pray for their souls.
2. Warn them to cease and desist.
3. If they interfere with the conduct of US Military operations or threaten US security, kill them. No jail, no trial, just a bullet in their otherwise empty skulls.


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