Saturday, November 20, 2004

Media Bias

Whether you like it or not, you have to understand that the media is biased. Not only does it do everything it can do to make the situation in Iraq look bad, but also anything related to Republicans look like a failure when it is not.

With the whole Clinton Library opening, the former president has been in the news quite a bit. On Nov. 28, CNN was covering the Clinton Library, and Judy Woodruff praised Clinton like none other. "Bill Clinton is the quintessential American, super sized.", "Conjures memories of his often dramatic successes." She claimed, but failing to actually say why, and she never supported it with a fact. She showed Arafat signing a treaty (that lasted long didn't it?), and she seemed to forget that he pulled our troops out of Rwanda and almost let a genocide happen. Judy Woodruff also seemed to neglect the fact that Clinton bombed innocent civilians in Sudan (that curiously happened on the same day that Monica Lewinski went to see the grand jury) These people weren't actually linked to terrorism (It's OK when he bombs innocents, but when President George Bush bombs totalitarian Iraq, it's a war crime!).

They claim to be reporting both sides, but truly they are only reporting the other side. But when you think about it, news really isn’t about reporting both sides of a story, it’s about reporting reality and the truth, not the “other side”, and that is what TV news stations don’t understand.

In Iraq’s case you don’t report all of the horrible things, and you don’t report all of the good things either, but you should report them proportional to the amount that they are occurring. I know there are more good things happening than the major networks show; I have heard many soldiers say how well things are going, and if that isn’t a first hand account, I don’t know what is. In a time of war, if you err on one side, it should be on the side of reporting positive stories, because public opinion is directly correlated to how efficiently we conduct the war, and possibly even if we win or lose. Vietnam was not lost by our troops, it was lost here on our own soil, but that is another argument for another time.

If you’re not with us, you’re against us


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