Sunday, November 21, 2004

President Bush Rescues Security Guard

If you haven’t already heard about this story, I think it’s awesome.

Yesterday in Chile, President Bush was entering the Estacion Mapocho Cultural Center with his wife, the Chilean President Lagos, and his wife for the APEC Summit dinner when one of the Chilean security men stopped President Bush’s bodyguard from entering. With all of the Chilean security following closely behind the President, he must not have noticed this. The security guard demanded to be let in and all voices started to rise. A second of Bush’s guards was pushed up against a concrete wall and roughed up a bit. The President and his party heard the commotion and approached the crowd and upon seeing his bodyguard in this crowd, he reached over a few rows of people and pulled his Secret Service man out. Do you think that some Elitist president would do that, no way; you can really tell that President Bush is a normal person like you or me, I think that's a great quality to have when you are president.

Thankfully no punches were thrown.

I thought that was worth posting

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