Sunday, December 12, 2004

What is going on in Jimmy Carter's head?

I have no idea what is going on in his head. When he was on Hardball with Chris Matthews he was talking about the "parallels" of the Iraq War to the Revolutionary War.

"Well one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war, up until recently, has been the most bloody war we've fought."

And that's a parallel? In Iraq, we've just passed the 1200 mark of U.S. soldiers killed. I wouldn't call that one of our most bloody wars in history. Either way, I don't think that the Revolutionary War was our most bloody war: wasn't the Civil war our most bloody war, because we were fighting ourselves.

"I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided, it was an unnecessary war."... "And of course now we would have been a free country now as Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way."

That is absurd! Here are the facts listed against this claim as cited in News Max Magazine:

"Canada did not begin to gain independence until 1867. Australia did not receive partial independence as a commonwealth until 1901. India did not gain independence until 1947, and all those Indians who were killed by the British would hardly describe there deaths as 'nonviolent.'"

I'm going to have to stop writing to avoid calling Jimmy Carter some explicit names.

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