Friday, November 26, 2004

Good and Evil

Other than values, I think one of the reasons that people who normally sit at home on election day came out to vote for the reelection of the president was because of the great threat of terrorism. One of the main parties believes that there is a battle between good and evil; the other party believes that there is no evil.

When I say that Braveheart or Lord of the Rings are my favorite movies, someone usually asks me why. I usually respond that they are “cool” or have a good story, but I always make sure that I mention that one of the themes of both those movies is Good triumphing over Evil. Generally, when I’m talking to a liberal that I know, they say, “Oh, that figures, of course you’d bring that up.” Occasionally, they just give me an eye roll.

Now I’m not saying that all liberals think this way, and if you’re one of them, listen up.

Liberal politicians are always spouting “Negotiate, Diplomacy!” When I hear that, I hear appeasement, and that is what it is. If you believe in evil, you should know that appeasement never works with people who are evil; history has shown this, and is currently showing this in, along with other places, the Middle East. When dealing with Evil, they will take what you give them and then turn on you.

The belief that evil is nonexistent is why liberals can think that appeasement will work. Fighting terrorism only makes more terrorists, that is the most absurd thing that you could say, and guess who says that? Liberals. So you’re just supposed to let them attack you without responding? If 9-11 wasn’t a big enough call to arms, nothing would be.

The Americans want to be protected from these psycho evil terrorists and people realized that conservatives are more willing and more capable to wage an efficient war on terror. We don’t want to be protected from evil by people who don’t believe in it. If you are a democrat an believe that there is evil and it is a problem, please think before you vote; many of you, thankfully, did.

If you’re not with us, you’re against us


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