Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Why do we need allies in Iraq

One of my biggest pet peeves while talking about the war in Iraq is when someone says we need to get allies involved. There is a very good argument against this, and Ann Coulter conveys the point well in her article, “How to Lose a War,”

“After World War II, the United States ran the Japanese occupation unilaterally. Without the meddling of other nations, the Japanese occupation went off without a hitch. Within five years, Gen. Douglas MacArthur had imposed a constitutional democracy on Japan with a bicameral legislature, a bill of rights and an independent judiciary. Now the only trouble Japan causes is its insistence on selling good products to Americans at cheap prices.

By contrast, the German occupation was run as liberals would like to run postwar Iraq – a joint affair among "the Allies," the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union. It took 45 years to clean up the mess that created.

The Soviets bickered with the French, refusing to treat them as "allies" (on the admittedly sensible grounds that they didn't fight). While plundering their zone, the Soviets refused to relinquish any territory to France. Trying to be gallant, the U.S. and British carved a French zone out of their own sectors. The Soviets then blockaded Berlin, built the Berlin Wall, and Germany was split for the next 45 years.

The British made Germany's war-torn economy worse by trying to impose socialism in their zone (as well as in their country). Predictably, economic disaster ensued. Over the next five years, the U.S. was required to spend the equivalent of about $200 billion annually in today's dollars to bail out Western Europe under the Marshall Plan. I note that there was no need for a Marshall Plan in Japan.”

I encourage you to read the rest of this article and after reading just this excerpt, do you still think that we should have gone out of our way to get "our allies" into this war in Iraq? If you don't think of a resounding "No!", then that gives more proof to this statement: Liberalism is a mental disease.

If you're not with us, you're against us


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