Friday, January 14, 2005

"New Environmentalism"

I think it is very ironic when the left criticizes Republicans of creating fear to sway how people think, considering they do just that when talking about environmental issues. I hear that SUV's will be the human races' demise. That is ridiculous. SUV's causing global warming, no way. In the prehistoric times, when there were palm trees growing in Antarctica, I'm sure you saw many dinosaurs driving their big SUV's around, polluting the air. The bottom line is the earth goes through phases, it gets incredibly hot, then it gets extremely cold, and it also goes to the middle; that's where we are now. Maybe some things humans do speed up global warming, but there's no proof, and the fix wouldn't be to just stop using fossil fuels and recycle. Plus, to advance past the point of polluting with fossil fuels, we will need to use the technology that fossil fuels offer, otherwise, we will be stuck in the stone age.

Here's an interesting article on Michael Crichton and new environmentalism

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way


At 9:22 PM, January 15, 2005, Blogger Papa Ray said...

Hey Young'en, you sure been BOB (blogging a bunch). Thats good, keeps you out of the bars and away from those wild women. As you grow up, just remember that God put women on this ol' earth for just one reason:

"To spend YOUR money" !!

About the ol' earth, if everybody would quit cutting down all the damn trees and such, we might squeeze several thousand more years out of her before she freezes us up again. As it stands, we would have to have them damn demo-crat-lun-i-tics plant a thousand trees apiece, every year from now on to try and make up for all them that has been cut and are being cut and burned right now.

Of course that will never happen, they will just continue to contribute to the warming by blowing all that foul hot air.

This is MY post

Papa Ray
West Texas


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