Friday, February 18, 2005

How Many Of These Stories Are There?

I think it really is time to look at our school system and ask "is this right?" It's so liberal, so anti-conservative. And here's another one of those stories.

A girl, Raven Furbert, was banned from wearing pro-militay, red white and blue, jewelry to school. Apparently, wearing red, white and blue to show your love for your country, is gang related, or at least the school claimed it was gang related. Bogus?!

These things need to be noticed, followed up on. Our school system is embarrassing in the way it suppresses free speech; it needs to be fixed. You'd think that liberals would jump at the chance to make free speech a legal thing, but in this case, because its conservatives that are being persecuted, liberals will just let it slide. Don't democrats claim that Republicans are the fascists?

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

The Reason

This may be one of the reasons that liberalism is falling behind; never facts, just insults.
[hat tip:LGF]

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Three Requests, Three Lawyers

It's been over a month since Les Moonves asked for the resignation of three of CBS's jounalists following the Rathergate scandal. Still, no one has resigned. In fact, all three have hired lawyers instead. One of the jounalists, Josh Howard, claims he just wants his name cleared before he resigns. It seemes like a bluff to me, and those over at Wizbang think so too. The three have been offered settlements, but all refused them.

How come they still haven't done anything to Rather? That is the question that keeps running through my mind, and sadly, it may never be answered accurately.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

This is Going to Kill Us

Things like this could lead to the end of civilization.

Now it is illegal for parents to use "disciplinary smacks" in any form, including physical and emotional in the Netherlands. I'm certainly not for child abuse, but if they want their country filled with self-centered jerks with a need for instant gratification, than they are on the right track.

There are exceptions to every rule, but if you can't discipline children physically, or even emotionally, how are you supposed to hold them responsible or keep them in line? I say this as a teenager growing up around all types of kids; the most irresposible, thoughtless and selfish kids are the ones whose parents never discipline them. This is on average, like I said at the beginning of this paragraph, there are exceptions, but I know I wouldn't be a very good person if my parents didn't discipline me.

I hope this never happens in America. I, for one, don't want a country filled with self-centered jerks. [hat tip: Jack Lewis]

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Monday, February 14, 2005

Flag Disrespect

Flag desecration, or flag burning, as protest, seemes to be one of the least intelligent forms of protest ever created.

The American Flag represents everything America stands for and America itself. It is the symbol of America, and when you burn it, it should be considered to be one in the same as burning America. If you live in the U.S., the chance that you've achieved what have because you are a resident of America is very high. Desecrating the flag is like desecrating everything you own.

If one feels as if they are permitted to desecrate the flag, they should also feel that they have no other choice but to leave this country. That is exactly what I propose they do, leave.

Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Expression, is not an absolute right; blowing up a building in the name of Allah is not protected under the First Amendment. If the government wants to regulate what expression is permisable, it is perfectly reasonable.

Additionally, the government derives its "just powers from the consent of the governed." Therefore, the decision regarding the legality of flag burning should be in the hands of the people and their elected representatives, not appointed judges.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Sunday, February 13, 2005

My Opinion on Gay Marriage

People are now slandering the bible and saying that it never says that marriage is only a man and a woman. Even if you want gay marriage, you can't argue with the fact that the Bible says only a man plus a woman equals marriage. Some liberals are offering money to those who can point out a place in the Bible where it says exclusively marriage can not be between people of the same sex. The offices of public figures that offered money for this were flooded with phone calls, e-mails, and some people even visited in person. Of course these people were all pointing out where the bible said no gay marriage, and although there are many, I think the clearest is:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." [Leviticus 20:13]"

Putting aside the fact that the Bible says that gay marriage is unholy, the main reason people oppose gay marriage is because of the Family and the children. The family is one of the most important structures in any society. In Scandinavian countries, where gay unions are legal, family life has disintegrated. Here is a great site full of the reasons why gay unions are not good for society. Check out the website, it's very in-depth.

Maybe I'll do my own post on why gay marriage is not good for society from the perspective of a teenager.

I would also like to add that no sane person thinks that gays are less human than straight people. Republicans are not "anti-gay" (as in thinking people that are gay are less human), but when you google "anti-gay," there is always republican in the same sentance as anti-gay, and that is not right.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Thank You Ward Chruchill

I think it is time that we thank Ward Churchill.

Because of the current Ward Churchill controversy, the professors and Universities have been exposed.

Exposed is their left leaning tendencies and their oppression of all that is conservative. Ward Churchill has even drawn the eye of the MSM, and when the left is in the wrong, that is a significant feat.

The oppressive disposition toward conservatives at universities is finally being recognized. At Colorado University, the students in one class were assigned to compose an essay defending the statement: George Bush is a war criminal. One student failed the assignment because she wrote instead that Saddam Hussein is a war criminal. A multitude of stories like this one are coming out after the Ward Churchill case.

Republicans and other groups for free thought, like Students for Academic Freedom, are pushing the Academic Bill of Rights. This Bill of Rights does not lean right, but it does try to take away the left's monopoly of Universities and diversify the opinions on campus.

As a high school student, I think the Academic Bill of Rights would be a great thing. I am continually smothered with liberal propaganda without a chance to insert my opinion or prove it wrong. I can't even imagine what it would be like in a college. Anyone who reads the Academic Bill of Rights will be able to see that it is not a Republican document, but a document that more easially allows free speech on campuses.

To conclude, I would just like to thank Ward Churchill for helping bring out the issue of political oppression on campuses. What Churchill has done for us, the oppressed, may be the best thing for our cause.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Too Funny

It's just way too funny that on top of the Clinton library there is an "Executive Suite" that Slick Willie plans on spending an average of one week every month at. He says he will have "old friends" there and I'm guessing that Hilary will be hundreds of miles away. He will just be ripped apart by the pundits and comedians on this one.

On a side note, apparently the library isn't getting as many visitors as predicted; it doesn't really surprise me.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Is Bush Reigning in Spending?

According to one dude, Bush is starting to reign in spending. His argument is that the president is setting priorities. It's a new argument that is refreshing and positive.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way


Sick of all the anti-Americanism going around these days? Well, then check this out. Finally someone that will point out the hypocracy of other countries.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Monday, February 07, 2005

Masterpiece Too P.C.

Today my sister came home from school saying that it is now considered too politically incorrect to say masterpiece (refering to art). Apperently a PC man came into her school and was talking to them about it saying masterpiece does not include mistress. Ridiculous!

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Conservative Radio

I just found the coolest site in the world. It's RightTalk. It's a website that allows you to listen to any of four of their 35, one hour, shows. Check it out, it's pretty sweet.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Ronald Reagan's Birthday

Today is Ronald Reagan's birthday. I have decided to put up a quote of his every day until the anniversary of his death.

Here is today's:

"In our nation today, government has grown too big, too complex- and possessed of what Cicero called the 'arrogance of officialdom.' Remote From the wishes of the people, it forget that ours is a system of government by the consent of the governed- not the other way around."

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Update: Hopefully soon we will get up a tribute post for The Gipper.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Vacation for Your Butt

This isn't about politics, but it is hilarious!

Fighting for truth, justic, and the capitalsitic way

Friday, February 04, 2005

Hmmm. That Doesn't Sound Bad

Yeah right. Now in one county of california, you can go into the opposite gender's bathroom if you claim to feel like that gender on a particular day! For example if a man was to say that he was feeling like a woman today, he could use the women's restroom.

Isn't that taking the political correctness way too far even for those homosexual/transgender activists. Now doesn't that sound stupid if not dangerous. What has the world come to with it's political correctness. I don't know. Help is needed.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Story of One Blown Up Terrorist

This is an interrogation of a terrorist that was blown up by his "fellow" terrorists and survived.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union Address

Another strong speech from President George W. Bush. I'm not going to say a whole lot about the address other than I thought it was strong. You can find much on the State of the Union on other blogs. Powerline has a GREAT "live" blog on the address.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Democratic Response to State of the Union

Do you notice how democrats always start their speeches? "I was born and raised in (fill in the blank) and it was very unique growing up the way I did; let's throw a pity party for me. All of this makes me qualified to tell you what to do."

In his rebuttle, the senate minority leader, Harry Reid, basically said democrats believe this and that, republicans don't, so they are dumb and bringing America to its knees. He also made a few "jokes", but the only problem was: it wasn't funny. There is nothing worse than humor that isn't funny. I laugh at almost every joke, so if I didn't chuckle, you know you're in trouble.

Wow! Nancy Pelosi has had way too much Botox; her face doesn't move at all! It was the first time I have seen her on TV, and it was scary.

All in all, the democrats response to the State of the Union adress seemed to me vague and desperate. Very desperate.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

How Come...

I just came across this realization: how come everybody outside of Iraq is surprised by the voter turnout and enthusiasm, but everybody on the ground in Iraq say, "Ohh yeah, I wasn't surprised but the voter turnout, the Iraqis are full of excitement and happy about the possibility of voting."

Maybe the media is even more biased than I previously thought. We hear of such negative things, but never the positive. I never thought is was going as bad as the "mainstream" media said, and this just confirms my belief.

Just a thought.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Howard Dean is Looking Good For Chair

For the Democratic Chair, Dean looks like he is doing better and better. Martin Frost just dropped out of the race. Don't count on the win from Dean, though, Dean was also looking pretty darn good to win the presidential nominee before Iowa.

I would love it if he won. Just like Dick Morris says, the farther left the democratic party moves, the less it gets elected (In case you were wondering, Dick Morris was the strategy behind Bill Clinton; moving toward the center for elections certainly worked well for Bill). I hope the democratic party moves farther to the left, because the country is moving farther to the right. Less competition, maybe more room for those nonexistant third parties.

Fighting for truth, justice, and the capitalistic way

Communist News Network?

CNN was covering up Saddam's atrocities? Never!
[Hat tip: LGF]

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