A Bad Day For Liberals
With the huge success of the Iraqi elections, do you think that any of the democratic leadership is happy? I wouldn't bet on it. The huge voter turnout from every group in Iraq shows that George Bush's plan was a success. The exit strategy
is success; the left has continuously been saying that we need a plan, but it is kind of hard to have a plan when fighting terrorists. They are unpredictable, we have to adapt and keep pushing along, which is exactly what we have done.
This is precisely the reason we are winning this war. This is the reason Baghdad's Mayor, Ali Fadel, said yesterday, "We will build a statue for Bush. He is the symbol of freedom." This is the reason the Iraqis are so happy, they have had huge parties, some still going, about the election, and they don't even know if the person they voted for won, they are partying because of the opportunity to vote.
Everything the President and our troops have been working for is finally coming true. The day that the Iraq Government can say, "Thanks, but we can handle it from here," is the day that we pull our troops out.
If we had an exit strategy and left before we things were stable, do you think the Iraqis would still be free, months or years after? Again, I wouldn't bet on it.
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Iraqi Elections
I always assumed that our exit strategy in Iraq was success and victory.
We and the Iraqi people are well on our way there with these elections taking place right now. Confused on anything happening in the Iraqi elections? Go
I will elaborate on this "Success and Victory" idea tomarrow or monday.
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In school, we who author blog, have finals today and tomarrow, so we will be light on posting.
Look for posts this weekend.
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History 101, Looking at Ronald Reagan
Maybe when confronting terrorism, we should look to history to guide us to victory. One way to approach this is focusing on which president of modern time had the most effective and successful Foreign Policy. There's no doubt in my mind that this would be Ronald Reagan and his administration.
Ronald Reagan was the one that established, in recent times, the notion around the world that we would not crumble under pressure. His optimism about America and his strength when dealing with other nations was key. He took the offense against the Soviet Union. Everyone told him that being so forceful would lead to nuclear war with them. But he knew that if we looked like appeasers, we would eventually be forced to become appeasers. Look what happened, he destroyed Jimmy Carter in the election (an appeaser), and he destroyed the Soviet Union (who wanted appeasment from us). Backing down from the Soviet Union would have been disasterous for the people living there, and for the rest of the world. He told them to "Tear down that wall," and they did.
People told him that the Stratigic Defense Initiative would do more harm than good, but he saw that it was necessary to the well-being of the world, so he continued with it. Because of his policies of Peace Through Strength, we won the Cold War. All of this in the name of Freedom and Liberty.
Sound familiar? Hmmmm, kind of like what the Bush administration is doing now. We are taking a GREAT offense against the terrorists, and because of this, we haven't had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9-11. We have thrown al Qaeda into disarray, and we took a murderous dictator out of power.
For years the Clinton Administration left terrorist attacks unchecked, and our reputation for defending freedom and ourselves was in the toilet.
George W. Bush made us a force to be reckoned with once again.
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Yet Again...
Teddy Kennedy says something stupid. Today he said that Iraq is a failure and a continuing quagmire. Failure and quagmire as in they are having elections for the first time in five days? I can't believe he is still saying this stuff. It was even shown today that the groups that considered boycotting the election are planning to vote.
I would definately say Iraq is a failure; I would even go further to add that the Bush administration just went to war because they all have a sick, sexual, love of war. NOT!
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Follow Up Post
I just remembered something that I wanted to say in the
Pascal's Wager post but I had, at the time, forgotten. It is on the topic of where one would get his/her morals.
If you have no religion or are an Atheist, where would your set of values com from? From your heart? I think not, you can't just follow what you feel, that leads to things like the murdering of millions of babies and more atrocious things.
Even if you believed in an inncorrect religion, you would still probably have a good set of values (excepting satanism and the like); and even if you don't like the supernatural beliefs of a religion, you should at least understand that it leads to more moral people. In some studies, it has even been shown that the crime rate of religious people is far less than that of the non-religion, proportionatly.
Now if you still don't believe or agree with what I have just said, then think about this. Generally, human beings like to be comforted, and like to be shown the path; we like to think we know what is going on around us, and religion helps us with this. Overall, I'm glad the general population has something to believe in, something to be sure of. If we didn't have this, we would be a much different society.
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Atheist Turned Religious
Here's a great story of an
atheist turned religious.
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Pascal's Wager
In part of Pascal's Wager, Blaise Pascal says, basically , that it would be better to believe in God and have there be no God, than not believing in God and have there be God. Sounds perfectly logical to me.
I can understand having a strong faith in God, but how can you have that strong of faith in
no god. Simple logic would lead you to understand and believe Pascal's Wager.
Those of you who firmly believe against God are welcome and invited to comment on why you have such a strong conviction for no God. It's hard to understand that from my perspective, so I would appreciate some other points of view.
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500 Tons of Uranium
I stumbled across
this article while researching something else, but this is by far more important. It is once again a failure on the part of the media for downplaying this story; according to the story, we've found 500 tons of uranium at a nuclear weapons development plant in al Tuwaitha.
180 tons of this uranium had begun the process of enriching, and to give you a perspective on how much this is: "The U.S. Energy Department considered that stockpile so dangerous that it mounted an unprecedented airlift operation four months ago to remove the enriched uranium stash from al Tuwaitha."
And to give you a perspective of how much 500 tons of uranium is, it's enough to build 142 nuclear weapons. Saddam was re-organizing his scientists, and bringing new ones in, he was running experiments again (this is all after the first Gulf War), some experiments were the same as the ones before the Gulf War.
If you don't call this an imminent threat, the only thing that would be a threat, would be a missile on it's way to the U.S. capital.
If you have any document that disproves this, I would like to see it. I looked many places to check the validity and I couldn't find anything against it; I don't think the media could over-look something this big.
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Ten Commandments
It sure tells you a lot about liberals when you see how repulsed they are when they see the ten commandments. They are a set of moral guidlines that make you a better person if you follow them. Muslims basically believe in the ten commandments certainly Jews do too. If a Hindu, Buddist, or someone of most other religions looked at them, I don't think any of them would say "That's completely bogus,"(or something along those lines); even an Atheist or someone with a small amount of common sense could see that they aren't a bad thing. Can anyone out there honestly tell me that the ten commandments are completely wrong and shouldn't be displayed in a public place? And if you can, then take into account that when they are displayed, they seem to be symbolic of doing the right thing and living a good life, so the first commandment, I would say, doesn't really hurt anybody in that case.
Here's a link to the
ten commandments if you don't know what they are, in this secular society we live in, I'm sure that if you don't belong to a church, you may never have seen the ten commandments.
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You'd Think Professors Would Be Smart
But these
outspoken extreme professors are crazy. It seems like every other week we have a professor publicly slandering (or liabling) America, or supporting the terrorists instead of the country that he lives in.
Shahid Alam is one such professor. I quote him talking about the 9-11 hijackers as saying: "They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity." WHAT! Free? Like the freedom that Islamofascist governments provides? Dignity, like the suppression of their women? I don't know what is going on in these Universities, but whatever it is, it seems a lot like propaganda to me.
He also says that the hijackers were similar to the American colonists, but common sense tells me that I don't have to explain why I think that statement is out of line.
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Liberals and Conservatives
Ever wonder how the
liberal vs. conservative thing got started, well here it is. :-)
Thanks again to
Papa Ray for pointing this out.
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If you want a good laugh or a major headache, go
here. The site is FOXblocker, for those liberals who can't accept that FOX news is
actually fair and balanced and the most popular news station in the country. Their
hate mail section is really quite pathetic, the person who runs this site really needs to learn how to debate, not just call people names. The person ansering the e-mails had a very tough time rebuking the arguements, so it seems he decided to just call people stupid and other names. I urge you to e-mail this site and tell them what you think, but be careful, they will give out any information on their site that they can find out about you.
I don't care if you dislike FOX news, but why anyone would buy or sell a FOXblocker is beyond me, if you think FOX news is to close to the center for your left wing views, then just don't watch it. Isn't the left the people who say republicans want to suppress free speech, but it looks like they are the ones really doing it. [hat tip:
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We Need Help
Over at MSNBC, they go above and beyond when they say, "
U.S. found no evidence WMD moved from Iraq". Not only do they title the article that, but then in the first paragraph, they report:
"Top Bush administration officials speculated publicly that the banned armaments may have been smuggled out of the country before the war started."
Then they go on to say:
"Officials say they have not seen any information — never “a piece,” said one — indicating that WMD or significant amounts of components and equipment were transferred from Iraq to neighboring Syria, Jordan or elsewhere."
The only problem with saying that is that there were satillite pictures submitted to the U.N. (that failed organization) that showed large trucks transporting something into Syria. But for some reason the U.N. didn't accept them. (And how come the media didn't jump all over those pictures, like they did on the Abu Graib videos?). Even a man who lived on the border of Iraq and Syria said that in the days before the war, many large vehicles rumbled by, heading toward Syria.
And then
there is this. I guess there was really no evidence, not a piece.
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Teddy Kennedy Said What?
I was just listening to a re-run of the
Laura Ingraham Show, on the radio, and they were talking about Teddy Kennedy. They played a clip of the "Sr. Balloon" answering a question about Barrack Obama and he called Obama:
"Osama bin Lad-, Osama Obama-, I mean Obama."
Hmmmm, imagine if a republican had said that.
Here's some
more crazy things he said on increasing spending.
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Krazy Kerry Kronies
You know those yellow rubber Lance Armstrong bracelets, well, now there are
blue rubber bracelets that show that the person wearing them voted against Bush.
" "It's kind of like saying, 'This is my tribe,'" said Adams, 43, a Kerry supporter, who was inspired by her 14-year-old stepson's yellow Lance Armstrong band."
But I guess one comforting thing about this is that the woman who started this has a father who is politically opposite and he countered with making red bracelets, for those who voted to re-elect the President.
I bet that creates interesting family dynamics. [Hat Tip:
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More Anti-Bush Inauguration
An article from AP is accusing Bush for spending too much on his
inauguration, even though it is completely from private donations. People have been saying that we could use that kind of money for more useful things, but you can't change what you are doing with the money now; the money was donated for the inauguration. I agree that there are far more worthy causes out there, but we
are dealing with them too. You can't tell a private organization you will use your money for one thing and then turn around and use it for another. People seem to for get simple stuff like this when dealing with the Bush Administration.
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"New Environmentalism"
I think it is very ironic when the left criticizes Republicans of creating fear to sway how people think, considering they do just that when talking about environmental issues. I hear that SUV's will be the human races' demise. That is ridiculous. SUV's
causing global warming, no way. In the prehistoric times, when there were palm trees growing in Antarctica, I'm sure you saw many dinosaurs driving their big SUV's around, polluting the air. The bottom line is the earth goes through phases, it gets incredibly hot, then it gets extremely cold, and it also goes to the middle; that's where we are now.
Maybe some things humans do speed up global warming, but there's no proof, and the fix wouldn't be to just stop using fossil fuels and recycle. Plus, to advance past the point of polluting with fossil fuels, we will need to use the technology that fossil fuels offer, otherwise, we will be stuck in the stone age.
Here's an interesting article on Michael Crichton and
new environmentalism
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Bush Is Sorry For Language?
The President said that he
regretted using blunt phrases like "Bring 'em on", and "Dead or alive", but I don't think he should be. When talking about/to terrorists, I think you should let them know who is in charge, let them know you mean business. That is one of the pros to the Iraq war, it let other countries know that America is serious. Qadhafi heard our message and said that libya would stop it's quest for WMD's.
On the other hand, though, maybe the reason he said he'll try to not say things like that in his second term is because he thinks that he doesn't have to. America has shown that it means business, the message is already out there. Whatever the case, I think that America needed another "cowboy."
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Less Than Perfect Iraqi Vote
I think this vote of the Iraqi's is a
great thing, and I hope that no one (other than terrorists) disagree with me. But why all the complaining? Didn't the liberals complain when we appointed a Prime Minister to Iraq, and now they complain that the Iraqi's get a vote that isn't perfect. It's better than none, by their own argument. I suppose I should be used to the hypocrisy coming from the left by now, but it never ceases to amaze me. The simplest things seem to just slip by them. I guess they are above that common sense thing, NOT!
The sooner we get the Iraqis' in power, the sooner we can remove our military, and isn't that also something the left wants? Plus, there will be three more votes this year.
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Reporting Bais?
You can't tell me that
Yahoo's political news page isn't left leaning. There are tons of titles that are misleading; negatively toward the President. Here are some of the titles:
Bush's Budget Expected to Be Aggressive
(Ooooh, aggresive)
White House Expects Imperfect Iraq Vote
(Wow, in years past we've had around 50% of americans vote, imperfect?)
Ridge Spent Time With Lobbyist
(Really? No politians
ever talk to lobbyists)
Protesters Plan to Mark Bush Inauguration
Protesters Get Prime Spot for Inauguration
(It's all about the protesters)
Kennedy Accuses Bush of Hyping Problems
(I think Teddy Kennedy should be accused of being a fat, drunk killer)
Bush's Democratic Vision at Stake in Iraq Election
(Why, because 50% of Iraqis may have the chance to vote?)
Nominee Criticized Over Post-9/11 Policies
(Aren't polititians normally criticized?)
Age gap may be trouble for Bush
(Everything seems to be trouble for Bush, but no one else)
Those were all on one page at the time I viewed it (but I think it updates frequently, so it may not be the same when you visit it to see the blatant bais).
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The Oil-for-Food scandal,
the biggest scandal in history, is completely underreported. The
audits are out.
"the audits show that senior U.N. officials were repeatedly warned that the $60 billion dollar program was riddled with management-and-control procedural shortcomings, violations of U.N. procedures, monetary losses and other 'serious irregularities.'"
Yet nothing was done about it? This is a failed organization, not
just for this, but many other things to.
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When President Bush invaded Iraq citing that they have WMD capabilities, every piece of domestic and foreign intelligence at the time, backed up this claim. Why then, now, do anti-Bush people say that President Bush lied to the American public, and misled the American public. I often hear or see the line "When Clinton lied, no one died," or "Bush lied, children died." I don't understand it; he didn't lie, he didn't mislead, and he didn't pressure the intelligence people to say what he wanted to hear. Even if he did, which I doubt, he couldn't have pressured every other country's intelligence. Indeed, the French also thought there were WMD's.
If you are a liberal, can you
please comment and defend your position on this; I really don't understand your reasoning. I know most of you liberals don't agree with this war for other reasons too, but I beg you to comment on why you support
this line of thinking. The other reasons are for another post, at another time. In fact, we have two past posts that address some of the other issues (The first one is
here, the second is
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'Florida Rolf'
Rolf John is a German citizen who claimed that living in Germany made him depressed, so he moved to Florida. Apperently Germany has welfare coverage for people who are 'depressed' and the German government gave Mr. John
$2,2oo a month; that encompassed $875 for his Miami Beach House!
Recently, the government of Germany decided to remove his benefits and he was forced to move back to germany. The government is
finally considering revamping it's welfare laws; they should have done this years ago considering unemployment rates are through the roof.
Inadvertently, Rolf John may have helped Germany finally reform it's welfare laws, which was much needed.
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DNC Chief
Tim Roemer has decided that
he will run for the DNC Chief. If he were to get elected, it would be a smart move for the Democatic Party; he's pro-life. It may hurt the Republicans if he does get the spot.
"I think we should not only be more inclusive on this issue, especially in the Midwest and the South if a candidate has those views, we should have them in our party."
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Iraqi Voting Poll
A few posts ago, I asked anyone if they could tell me where this poll was and it was found at
Iraq the Model, here it is:
1-The poll was of 4974 Iraqis living in and around Baghdad.
2-Will the security problems cause you to?
Not come out and vote the day of elections = 18.3%
Come out and vote the day of elections = 78.3%
No opinion = 3.4%
3-Do you support military action against the terrorists?
Yes = 87.7 %No = 11.1%
Don’t Know = 1.2%
He then stated:
"If these were the results that appeared after taking samples from in and around Baghdad which is
considered to be the most dangerous area in the country (and inhabited by lots of Sunni Iraqis by the way!), then what would the results look like if the samples were taken from Basra or Erbil??"
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Gun Control
Why do liberals think so strongly that if you make it illegal to have a gun, there will be less violent crimes? It's ridiculous, that would just mean that all of the good law abiding citizens would not have a gun for protection. The people who commit crimes are still going to be able to get guns. Once we have nothing to protect us with, we will just have to give the burgler, rapeist, or murder what he wants, and that would be retarded.
In Camden, New Jersey,
a robber walked into a store and held one of the shop owners at knife point saying "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you." It turns out that he had just raped three other women in the town. When the other owner, her husband, came out of the bathroom, he had a gun and told the robber to take anything he wanted, but leave his wife. Of course he wanted the wife, and after following the robber into another room, he shot the robber in the head, and his wife was safe.
This story really gives a testament to the useful protection, and crime enforcement, that letting citizens have guns can have. How can someone argue that we should take away guns from everybody. If this man didn't have a gun, his wife most likely would have ended up raped and killed.
There are
many other arguments and situations for gun control, this is only one. I thought that
these two facts are very interesting ones: Every 13 seconds an American firearm owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal. 4915832 Criminal attacks stopped by the use of a firearm since January 1, 2004.
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Comments Are What Make Blogs
A frequent commenter on our site wrote
this in response to some complaining reservist. The following excerpt is perfect for explaining the war on terror.
"This is the start of a war for the survival of our country. For the survival of everything we hold dear and have fought for, died for and suffered through. You think Iraq is the end, its just the start. There are millions of people in this world determined to kill all of us and destroy everything we have and stand for.
Get real, and get with the program. Continue the mission and complete it."
Papa Ray's is the seventh comment from the top.
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I'm sorry that last week I was a little lax on posting. It was the first week back at school after Christmas Break, and I was still getting used to the homework thing. That's why all of my posts were after 10. The last two days I've been out of town for sports and there was no internet to post with.
Next week, I have resolved to wake up bright and early before school to post. I'll post again tomarrow on an actual subject.
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Terrorists are Scared
The terrorists in Iraq are getting more and more desperate with the thought of the election almost here. Today,
seven U.S. soldiers were killed due to a roadside bomb. The people of Iraq are itching to vote says a poll I saw yesterday (I wish I could remember where it was, but I can't, if any of you can find this poll,
please post a comment saying where it is), more than half of the Iraqis plan to vote no matter what, even with all the violence.
With each passing day the election gets closer, and with that, the terrorist are going to step up their attacks. This is a very sad truth, but there is not too much we can do right now. We can keep training Iraqi soldiers and police, and eventually, we will kill or capture all of these terrorists. We just need to keep pushing along.
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Deserting Marine Disappears
The marine,
Wassef Ali Hassoun, has been charged with desertion, he was due back from his leave on Tuesday, but he never showed up. His family claims that they don't know where he is.
"I was captured and held against my will by anti-coalition forces for 19 days. This was a very difficult and challenging time for me."
Then why have you suddenly disappeared when you have to stand trial? Coincidence, I think not.
I hope they find him and give him what he deserves.
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'Under God' Attacked Yet Again
A man in San Fransico is
sueing for having the pledge having 'Under God' in it, for
his second time! These lawsuits are ridiculous. Stuff like this is making freedom of religion into freedom of no religion.
"He did not want his young daughter exposed to the words 'under God'"
What, is he that afraid she might start to believe in it? There are many arguments people use to defend taking out 'Under God', but this is the worst. I don't want her exposed to it? That's bogus.
Everything the U.S. is founded on is based on Judeo-Christian values. This doesn't mean that you have to be Jewish or Christian, or anything, to appreciate and agree with the values that have brought our law to this great nation.
That is a very simple and widely used argument; I'm not afraid to use it because it is the absolute truth and Judeo-Christian values
are the roots of modern law.
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"Blogs are the New Media"
Wow, check
this out. Bloggers are soon going to be let into the 2005 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) as members of the press. This is really a testament to how much blogs have changed the face of media. You can go to that link above and fill out a form to possibly get selected to go.
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Nukes in Egypt
Now it seems as if everyone is trying to get nuclear capabilities. The IAEA has now accused
Egypt of trying to get nuclear weapons. "International Atomic Energy Agency also was looking at evidence suggesting some work was performed as recently as a year ago."
Although, to me, the claims seem a tad bit shaky. Some diplomat that talked about specifics requested to remain anonymous. Those of you who have read my blog for a while may know
anonymity really peeves me; the credentials are shot when they remain secret. But since the IAEA backs them up, it add some credibility to this claim. We'll have to pay close attention to this story, whether we want to or not.
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Will the government ever do anything about treason? Well, Code Pink is an anti-american organization that is giving aid to the Terrorist in Fallujah! Not only are they doing this but they are open about it and they brag about it.
This is from
Free Republic:
""I don't know of any other case in history in which the parents of fallen soldiers collected medicine ... for the families of the 'other side'," said Medea Benjamin"
This is the leader of this organization. What an idiot. I try to stray away from calling people idiots on my blog, but he really is! Is he aware that
we are in a war? Someone please inform him of this.
We need to do something about groups like this
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A Free Market Economy
Today at my church, the priest was giving a homily, and he started to talk about the Tsunami. This particular priest has a tendancy to
streach real far to push a subliminal liberal agenda; once he said that word, tsunami, I knew I was going to be in for a bumpy ride.
He made a comment somewhere along the lines of individual contributions
embarassing our (American) government's contributions for helping victims of the tsunami. For one thing, our government has given more than any other government (monetary, food and people). Second, we have a free market economy, so that means private donations are supposed to overshadow government donations. America gives so much more because it allows people to feel free to give money of their own, privately, because the government isn't taking a ton and deciding how much you should give.
Thus far I haven't posted on the tsunami issue only because every single blog is and it is on TV 24/7. It is a big issue, and you can't have people playing down what we do for the world, like so many people nowdays.
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Iraqi Boy
A comment on one of the past posts directed me to this story.
Read It.
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Incredible News From Iraq
I thought this was
too important to not spread around!
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Hmmm? Voter Fraud?
It turns out that I could be right when I said a few posts back that all of those votes turning up in Washington to help the democrat win, sounded kind of fishy. On
Sound Politics, Stefan Sharkansky explains that in King County, the county that really help Gregoire win, there were 895,660 people recorded voting but 899,199 votes counted. Now it's starting to sound extremely fishy.
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